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Ages: 8 - 18


Don’t worry about sets, reps or organizing your training. Put your focus where it matters.. attacking your plan with intensity! Under the supervision of your assigned trainer, our program helps you create a solid foundation to then build strength on.

Our programming is 100% designed around the client and is highly specialized for their strengths and weaknesses. It is a complete top to bottom protocol with a focus on further developing mobility and functional strength to help improve overall performance. A big part of what we do here at Zone Nation is setting up our clients for success. The reality is that every client is different and each needs a different approach to developing their strength and power.

Once registered, clients will be assigned to one of our certified trainers. Depending on your goals, personality, and needs, we’ll match you with a trainer we think can serve you best! All our trainers are certified in the following:

NASM – Certified Personal Trainer, Performance Enhancement Specialist & Corrective Exercise Specialist Functional Movement Screen Functional Capacity Screen OnBaseU – Hitting & Pitching Driveline – Pitching, Hitting & Youth Development

Every training program includes a FREE assessment by one of our certified trainers. What do you do well? What's holding you back? We want to know exactly who you are as an athlete at this moment in time. The assessment covers the following:


Mobility / Stability

Strength and Power Testing

Power/ Force Production Testing

The results of this assessment are reviewed, evaluated and incorporated in programming to help every client correct faulty movement patterns, improve mobility, and increase overall strength. But is the plan working? We retest regularly in 3- 4 week intervals to make sure you're making progress.

Strength and Mobility Training – Putting these principles on top of a great strength training program is the cornerstone of our program.  Here is what you get from a specialized program from Zone Nation:

Access to a Zone Nation Trainer to answer questions, correct exercise form and make sure you are achieving your goal

Improving Soft Tissue Quality (foam rolling) – Many clients have laxity. Improving soft tissue quality helps to reduce trigger points without over stretching the muscle or compromising the client’s stability

Warm-up – Mobility circuits and activations drills, patterning good scapular movement as well as getting the client ready to move

Med Ball/Plyometric Training – Helps improve rotary power, upper and lower body separation and timing and improving eccentric/concentric force production

Strength training – Getting the client stronger and more explosive in the weight room

Conditioning – Energy system work to help increase explosiveness, and endurance

Access to our state-of-the-art indoor sports facility

Email zonenationsportstraining@gmail.com for more information and to be placed on our email list for future notifications!

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